Students of the Faculty of Ground Facilities and Airfields join the International Project European Design Upgrade 3.0
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2.04.2024, 11:25

Students of the Faculty of Ground Facilities and Airfields join the International Project European Design Upgrade 3.0

Students of the Faculty of Ground Facilities and Airfields join the International Project European Design Upgrade 3.0

The Faculty of Ground Facilities and Airfields of the National Aviation University has received an invitation for its students studying Architecture and Urban Planning to take part in the International Project European Design Upgrade 3.0.

This large-scale project brings together designers, architects, engineers, and entrepreneurs to develop new and more efficient solutions for the construction of modular buildings in countries affected by emergencies, wars, natural disasters, and other catastrophes.

The EDU 3.0 project is implemented with the support of K.FUND, Brand Manual, UrbanMill, and Ultrahack and is funded by the European Union under the Creative Europe program. The organizer is K.FUND, a non-profit organization founded in 2015 by well-known Ukrainian entrepreneur Vasyl Khmelnytskyi to develop projects in the fields of education and economics. The construction of prefabricated modular buildings will help meet the critical needs of people for temporary housing during Ukraine's recovery.

On March 19, the program started with an online forum featuring experts and visionaries who demonstrated the breadth and depth of the challenge. The EDU 3.0 project participants will have the opportunity to learn from leading experts from Ukraine, Estonia, and Finland during the educational part of the program.

The next stage will be the Skills Upgrade Session, dedicated to mastering human-centered design methods. Teams will be formed, each tasked with researching one aspect of the building's journey from sketch to construction and reconstruction. The results of the research will help the teams create new solutions during the hackathon, the final stage of the formation of author's concepts of modular housing. During the weekend, multidisciplinary teams will work on creating solution concepts based on the research. The best concepts of the hackathon will receive additional mentoring, support, will be presented to the world at the final award forum and will receive a cash prize.

The Faculty of Ground Facilities and Airfields of NAU invites young professionals, graduates of the faculty who want to gain new experience, join the professional community, form a network of contacts and develop their own unique solutions, to take an active part in the International Project European Design Upgrade 3.0.

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