- University
- About University
- Academic Council of the National Aviation University
- Departments
- Department of Human Development and Social Communications
- Academic Services Office
- Accounting
- Department of Marketing and Technical Development
- Procurement
- Structural Subdivisions Department
- Human Resources Department
- Juridical Department
- Department of International Affairs
- Department of management and administration
- Capital Construction Department
- Autocentre
- Security Service
- Media Communication Center
- Service of The Chief Metrologist of NAU
- Medical Care
- Dining
- Publishing
- Trade Union
- Library
- International Education Centre
- Academics
- Institutes and Faculties
- ICAO Training Institute
- Insitute of International Cooperation and Education
- Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Development
- Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education
- Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies
- Aerospace faculty
- Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications
- Faculty of Аrchitectural Structures and Airfields
- Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technologies
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Faculty of International Relations
- Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications
- Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistic
- Faculty of Law
- Colleges
- Lyceum
- Departments
- Academy
- Institutes and Faculties
- Study
- Research
- Science in the National Aviation University: history and present
- State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology
- Research projects
- Global satellite navigation systems GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, SBAS, GBAS
- Light multipurpose convertible aircraft (tiltrotor) САТ-68
- Trainer complex “Expert”
- Multipurpose unmanned aerial complex M-6 “SKYLARK”
- Unmanned airial vehicle М-7 «SKY PATROL»
- Aerodynamic complex
- Computer-aided reliability monitoring system of airline fleet
- Computer-aided reliability monitoring system of the Ukrainian fleet
- Robust flight control systems for light unmanned aerial vehiecles and piloted aircrafts
- Science intensive technologies of high presicion stabilized platforms development
- Science intensive technologies for development and modernization of high presicion navigation and control complexes for aviation, marine and space engineering
- The diagnostic technique of the aviation gas turbine engine’s (GTE) passage part
- Mobile informational, measuring and control complex
- Theory, methods and procedures of aircraft-in-flight external outline aerodynamical state diagnostics
- System of composite materials diagnostics using low-speed shock method
- The system of impedance diagnostics of composite materials
- Acoustic-emission diagnostics and monitoring of transport and tribotechnical systems, research of dynamic constructions characteristics
- Indentometr “Micron-gamma”
- Surface quality control with an interference profilometer
- Active system of internal combustion engines parameters’ monitoring
- Sparingly doped eutectic powedery materials and technologies of tribotechnical function coatings with gradient type structure
- Advanced machine of 2070 СМТ-1 type for material’s friction and wearing testing
- Monitoring of petrol actual losses from evaporation
- Sorbent for light fractures collection on objects of oil products supply system
- Nonpolluting complex for recycling used tires
- Complex for contamination level determination with following liquids and fuels rectification process
- Traffic intellectual monitoring system
- Space images processing
- Digital simulator of visual situation for TU-154 aircraft flight trainer
- Advanced digital flight trainer of L-410 aircraft
- Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Catalyst-activator of liquid fuel
- Research Institutes and Subdivision
- Polish-Ukrainian Research Institute (Wroclaw )
- Research Institute of Integrated Telecommunication Technologies
- Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Design and Ergonomics
- Scientific-Research Institute of Computer Technology of Engineering and Architecture
- State Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation
- Educational and Scientific Center " Aerospace Centre"
- Scientific and Production Center for Unmanned Aviation "Virage "
- Ukrainian Scientific-Research and Training Center for Chemmotology and Certification of Lubricants and Industrial Fluids
- Scientific-Research Center for Airport Ecological Problems
- Center for Operational Reliability of Aviation Equipment
- Scientific-Research Center for Information Support of the Operation of Aviation and Gas Transportation Equipment
- Center for Certification of Companies and Services providing Aviation Lubricants
- Research Laboratory for Aerodynamic Research
- " Aircraft Strength and Resource " Research Laboratory
- Research Laboratory for Nanotribology
- Research Laboratory for Technical Diagnostics
- Research Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials and Aerospace Engineering Constructions
- Research Laboratory for Information Security Systems
- Research Laboratory for Integrated Cals-tech "Solid "
- The Post-Graduate Course and Preparation for doctor's degree
- Student research
- Technical committee of standartizations
- Patent-license maintenance
- Quality Assurance
- Projects
- Information packages ECTS
- Quality Council
- The quality management system
- Quality assurance procedures
- Academic integrity
- Monitoring of educational and professional programs
- Evaluating the quality of learning outcomes
- Annual report on the activities of the educational institution
- Rankings
- Our partners
- For students
- Admission
1113Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of accounting and auditing in the present"November 13, 2012
1114Scientific conference "Multimedia Technologies in Education"November 14-15, 2012
1115International scientific-practical conference "Managing high expressway moving objects and training of operators of complex systems"November 15-16, 2012
1118Scientific-practical seminar "Ways of Improving the Criminal Procedure Law to Limit the Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights in Criminal Proceedings"November 18, 2012
1120International Scientific Conference "Finance: Theory and Practice"November 20-21, 2012
1123International scientific conference "Problems of Air Transportation and Aviation Applications in the Fields of Economy"November 23, 2012
1128Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of Global Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic CNS / ATM»November 28-30, 2012
1128National Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Problems of Navigation and Traffic Management"November 28-29, 2012
Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education
Official site
Acting director: Svitlana Mizyuk
Deputy director - Mykola Shynkarchuk
Deputy director - Nataliya Hrushchynska
Deputy director - Oksana Polishchuk
Tel.: (044) 406-71-09, (044) 406-70-62, (044) 497-73-85
Mykola Shynkarchuk - Deputy director of the Institute, 406-78-06, kpk@nau.edu.ua
Myroslava Moldovan - Head of Economic Sector, 406-72-10, econom-nnino@nau.edu.ua
Iryna Ovramenko - Chief economist, Administrative Assistant, 406-74-34, ino@nau.edu.ua
Kateryna Zorenko - Head of Marketing and Information Technologies Sector, 406-74-34, CMOino@nau.edu.ua
Natalya Malynovska - Director of the Center of Expertise and Certification of Training and Scientific Programs, 406-71-57, maliniam@ukr.net
Serhiy Sakhno - Director of the Training Center "Maintenance training organization”, 706-74-07, mto@nau.edu.ua
Oleh Batrak - Director of the Training and Consulting Center for Social Programs Support, 406-74-29, o.batrak82@gmail.com
Oksana Zosymenko - Director of the Training and Consulting Center of Professional Development, 406-70-34, kpk@nau.edu.ua
Natalya Polukhina – Head of Sector of the Educational Process Organization, 406-77-18, dekanat_nau@ukr.net
Lyudmyla Sydorchuk - Head of the Department of Human Factors Management, 406-74-00, kulf.nau@gmail.com
Natalya Hrushchynska - Head of the Department of Public Administration and Management, 406-79-92, Nataliia.Hrushchynska@npp.nau.edu.ua
Oksana Polishchuk - Head of Management Technologies Department, 406-73-72, itu@nau.edu.ua
Serhiy Cheripko - Head of Training and Research Laboratory of Innovative Management Technologies, 406-71-09, sergijceripko@gmail.com
Tetiana Konitsula - Director of the Center for Yachtsmen Training, 406-73-40, konitsula.t@gmail.com, golembievsky.g@gmail.com
Training and Research Institute of Continuing Education at the National Aviation University is the base for the implementation of the concept of continuing education, aimed at the realization of every person's right to education taking into account his/her personal needs, priorities of social development and needs of the economy.
In its activity the Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education aims to respond promptly to the challenges of society by introducing new approaches to the organization of content, forms and methods of continuing education and cover all the components of education
The main activity of the Institute is aimed at:
- Ensuring the continuity of training of specialists from different sectors of the economy, first of all, aviation and transport spheres, employees of public authorities, managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations of both public and private ownership;
- Innovative innovations in the provision of educational services;
- Modernization of the content of the post-graduate education according to the modern innovative programs;
- Introduction of new forms of organizing the students' learning activities and effective training technologies.
The objectives of the Institute are:
- training Bachelor and Master training programs, providing the opportunity to obtain a second higher education, professional development, course training, specialization, internships for specialists in various sectors of the economy, employees of public authorities, heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations through full-time, part-time and remote learning;
- participation in providing methodological, informational, advisory assistance to the regional centers of advanced training of transport workers, educational institutions, institutions and organizations, which carry out training in the system of postgraduate education;
- Conducting research, the results of which should be used to ensure continuity and individualization of training, its relevance and practical orientation, introduction of innovative technologies for implementing adult education programs.
Department of Human Factor Management provides training of specialists of Master's degree in training and professional programs: "Information and communication technologies in education", "Psychology of extreme and crisis situations", "Management of innovative activity".
Head of the department - Lyudmila Sydorchuk - Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor.
Contacts: tel.: (044) 406-74-00, 406-68-04, e-mail: Kulf.nau@gmail.com
Department of Public Administration and Management trains BA specialists in "Public Administration and Management" training program and specialists in "Public Administration and Management" training program, "Public Management, Regional Development and Self-government".
Head of the department - Natalya Hruschynska - Doctor of economic sciences, professor.
Contacts tel.: (044) 406-79-92, e-mail: Nataliia.Hrushchynska@npp.nau.edu.ua
Department of Management Technologies trains specialists of Master's degree according to training programs: "Administrative management", "Project management".
Head of the department - Oksana Polishchuk, the candidate of economic sciences, associate professor.
Contact phone: tel.: (044) 406-73-72, e-mail: itu@nau.edu.ua
Marketing and Informational Technologies Sector
It is involved in the processes of planning, organization and management connected with the market research of training services, development of the image constituent of the Institute, realization and elaboration of marketing measures supposed to guarantee the high quality of the educational process, assistance in the relationship building between with departments and other structural subdivisions of NAU as well as enterprises, institutions, organizations on the matters within the competence of the department.
Head of Department: Kateryna Zorenko
Contacts: e-mail: CMOino@nau.edu.ua
Economic Sector organizes, analyzes and plans the economic activity of the Institute, which is based on the principles of legality, economic expediency, formation and the most optimal distribution of financial resources of the Institute and organizes measures aimed at ensuring effective economic functioning of the Institute.
Head of the department: Myroslava Moldovan.
Contacts: tel: (044) 406-71-20, e-mail: econom-nnino@nau.edu.ua/
Sector of the Educational Process Organization deals with current problems in teaching students, planning and organization of the training process, analyzes students' training success, controls educational and scientific-and -methodical work of the Institute departments.
Head of department: Natalia Polukhina
Contacts: tel.: (044) 406-77-18, leading specialists 406-71-20, e-mail: dekanat_nau@ukr.net
Training Center "Maintenance training organization" provides training for the aviation personnel within the limits of approval, given by the State Aviation Service of Ukraine in accordance with the standards of European Union Part-147, Part-66.
Director of the center: Serhiy Sakhno
Contact: tel: (044) 406-74-07, e-mail: mto@nau.edu.ua
Training and Consulting Center for Social Programs Support organizes educational services for training, retraining and advanced training of registered unemployed people in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "About Compulsory State Social Insurance Against Unemployment".
Director of the center: Oleh Batrak
Contact: tel.: (044) 406-74-29, e-mail: o.batrak82@gmail.com
The Educational and Consulting Center of Professional Development is engaged in organizing and carrying out:
- course training, retraining and advanced training in the following fields: aviation, information and communication technologies, law, management, ecology and energy efficiency, land management, etc.
- internship for specialists under individual programs;
- language training;
- seminars, conferences, trainings;
- certification of specialists.
In the training process is carried out by the teaching staff of NAU and other educational institutions, leading experts in the aviation industry, heads of government agencies, services, Ukrainian and foreign experts.
Director of the center - Oksana Zosymenko.
Contacts: tel. 406 70 34, 097 543 93 28, e-mail: kpk@nau.edu.ua
Center of Expertise and Certification of Training and Scientific Programs.
Main tasks:
1. Development of modern domestic certified professional development programs that meet the current model of competence of a professional at the international level.
2. Collaboration with foreign specialists, who have recognized international certified professional development programs in order to adapt their experience and create domestic certified programs in the system of professional development of NAU.
3. Application of new information technologies (remote learning: full-time remote learning) in the process of adapting innovative programs in the field of professional development.
4. Implementation of new domestic and international innovative programs of professional development with their subsequent certification and expertise in the field of system management, in particular in terms of quality management, energy efficiency, psychological competence, social responsibility, management, etc.
5. Cooperation with domestic institutions in order to develop, implement and certify, at their request, innovative professional development programs. Providing conditions for mutual recognition of certification results in Ukraine and abroad.
Director of the center: Natalya Malynovska
Contacts: tel.: (044) 406-71-57, e-mail: maliniam@ukr.net
Center for Yachtsmen Training
Yachtsmen training programs provide for compulsory study of the following subjects:
- General information about sailing vessels.
- Architecture and construction of sailing vessels.
- Sail armament of sailing vessels.
- Sailboat theory.
- Theory of sailing vessel control.
- Special cases of sailing ship control.
- Sailing. Navigating.
- Locations of navigation areas.
- Rules of navigation and prevention of ship collision.
- Rigging and sailing works.
- Hydro and meteorology.
- Basics of maritime law. Legislative and statutory acts. Ship documents.
- Basics of yachting ethics and etiquette.
After finishing the course the participants receive the CERTIFICATE of the CENTRE and will be admitted to the exams of the qualifying commission of MARINE ADMINISTRATION OF UKRAINE. If they pass the exams successfully, the students receive the relevant Certificate, which meets international requirements and demands in accordance with the Resolution № 40 of the Working Party on Inland Water Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe "International Certificate for operators of pleasure crafts".
Director of the center: Tetyana Konitsula - tel. +38099-047-90-37,
Project manager: Grigory Golembievsky, phone +38067-447-36-83,
Contacts: tel: (044) 406-73-40, e-mail: konitsula.t@gmail.com, golembievsky.g@gmail.com
Address: Lubomyr Huzar avenue, 1, Kyiv, 03058, building 8
Web-site: ino.nau.edu.ua
E-mail: ino@nau.edu.ua
- ICAO Training Institute
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- Insitute of International Cooperation and Education
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- Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Development
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- Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education
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- Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies
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- Aerospace faculty
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- Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications
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- Faculty of Аrchitectural Structures and Airfields
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- Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technologies
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- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
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- Faculty of International Relations
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- Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications
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- Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistic
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- Faculty of Law
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© National Aviation University
Kiev, 1, Liubomyra Huzara ave.
post@nau.edu.ua | (044)406-79-01