- University
- About University
- Academic Council of the National Aviation University
- Departments
- Department of Human Development and Social Communications
- Academic Services Office
- Accounting
- Department of Marketing and Technical Development
- Procurement
- Structural Subdivisions Department
- Human Resources Department
- Juridical Department
- Department of International Affairs
- Department of management and administration
- Capital Construction Department
- Autocentre
- Security Service
- Media Communication Center
- Service of The Chief Metrologist of NAU
- Medical Care
- Dining
- Publishing
- Trade Union
- Library
- International Education Centre
- Academics
- Institutes and Faculties
- ICAO Training Institute
- Insitute of International Cooperation and Education
- Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Development
- Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education
- Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies
- Aerospace faculty
- Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications
- Faculty of Аrchitectural Structures and Airfields
- Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technologies
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Faculty of International Relations
- Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications
- Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistic
- Faculty of Law
- Colleges
- Lyceum
- Academy
- Institutes and Faculties
- Study
- Research
- Science in the National Aviation University: history and present
- State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology
- Research projects
- Global satellite navigation systems GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, SBAS, GBAS
- Light multipurpose convertible aircraft (tiltrotor) САТ-68
- Trainer complex “Expert”
- Multipurpose unmanned aerial complex M-6 “SKYLARK”
- Unmanned airial vehicle М-7 «SKY PATROL»
- Aerodynamic complex
- Computer-aided reliability monitoring system of airline fleet
- Computer-aided reliability monitoring system of the Ukrainian fleet
- Robust flight control systems for light unmanned aerial vehiecles and piloted aircrafts
- Science intensive technologies of high presicion stabilized platforms development
- Science intensive technologies for development and modernization of high presicion navigation and control complexes for aviation, marine and space engineering
- The diagnostic technique of the aviation gas turbine engine’s (GTE) passage part
- Mobile informational, measuring and control complex
- Theory, methods and procedures of aircraft-in-flight external outline aerodynamical state diagnostics
- System of composite materials diagnostics using low-speed shock method
- The system of impedance diagnostics of composite materials
- Acoustic-emission diagnostics and monitoring of transport and tribotechnical systems, research of dynamic constructions characteristics
- Indentometr “Micron-gamma”
- Surface quality control with an interference profilometer
- Active system of internal combustion engines parameters’ monitoring
- Sparingly doped eutectic powedery materials and technologies of tribotechnical function coatings with gradient type structure
- Advanced machine of 2070 СМТ-1 type for material’s friction and wearing testing
- Monitoring of petrol actual losses from evaporation
- Sorbent for light fractures collection on objects of oil products supply system
- Nonpolluting complex for recycling used tires
- Complex for contamination level determination with following liquids and fuels rectification process
- Traffic intellectual monitoring system
- Space images processing
- Digital simulator of visual situation for TU-154 aircraft flight trainer
- Advanced digital flight trainer of L-410 aircraft
- Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Catalyst-activator of liquid fuel
- Research Institutes and Subdivision
- Polish-Ukrainian Research Institute (Wroclaw )
- Research Institute of Integrated Telecommunication Technologies
- Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Design and Ergonomics
- Scientific-Research Institute of Computer Technology of Engineering and Architecture
- State Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation
- Educational and Scientific Center " Aerospace Centre"
- Scientific and Production Center for Unmanned Aviation "Virage "
- Ukrainian Scientific-Research and Training Center for Chemmotology and Certification of Lubricants and Industrial Fluids
- Scientific-Research Center for Airport Ecological Problems
- Center for Operational Reliability of Aviation Equipment
- Scientific-Research Center for Information Support of the Operation of Aviation and Gas Transportation Equipment
- Center for Certification of Companies and Services providing Aviation Lubricants
- Research Laboratory for Aerodynamic Research
- " Aircraft Strength and Resource " Research Laboratory
- Research Laboratory for Nanotribology
- Research Laboratory for Technical Diagnostics
- Research Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials and Aerospace Engineering Constructions
- Research Laboratory for Information Security Systems
- Research Laboratory for Integrated Cals-tech "Solid "
- The Post-Graduate Course and Preparation for doctor's degree
- Student research
- Technical committee of standartizations
- Patent-license maintenance
- Quality Assurance
- Projects
- Information packages ECTS
- Quality Council
- The quality management system
- Quality assurance procedures
- Academic integrity
- Monitoring of educational and professional programs
- Evaluating the quality of learning outcomes
- Annual report on the activities of the educational institution
- Rankings
- Our partners
- For students
- Admission
1113Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of accounting and auditing in the present"November 13, 2012
1114Scientific conference "Multimedia Technologies in Education"November 14-15, 2012
1115International scientific-practical conference "Managing high expressway moving objects and training of operators of complex systems"November 15-16, 2012
1118Scientific-practical seminar "Ways of Improving the Criminal Procedure Law to Limit the Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights in Criminal Proceedings"November 18, 2012
1120International Scientific Conference "Finance: Theory and Practice"November 20-21, 2012
1123International scientific conference "Problems of Air Transportation and Aviation Applications in the Fields of Economy"November 23, 2012
1128Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of Global Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic CNS / ATM»November 28-30, 2012
1128National Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Problems of Navigation and Traffic Management"November 28-29, 2012
Student Life
How to get to the University?
Campus of the National Aviation University is connected with other areas of Kyiv due to developed system of public transport: Subway (stations "Shulyavska" "Polytechnichnyy Instytut" with a transfer to the trolley bus # 27 or speed tram # 1K, № 3), bus (route # 69) , trolley bus (route # 27), tram (route # 1K, № 3) or taxis (№ 69, № 401, № 411, № 427, № 433, № 438, № 454, № 463).
Living costs
The living costs in the hostel range from 56 to 297 hryvnas per month, depending on the degree of comfort.
Student Bistro, cafes, bars, internet and billiards clubs are available for students. Lunch in the student's Bistro costs up to 15 hryvnas.
Students live at the place of their registration - in dormitories with double, triple and quadruple rooms. The vast majority of hostels is section type, with a bathroom and kitchen in each section. All dormitories are located geographically concentrated in the University campus, which is adjacent to the park area.
Health and Insurance
Medical care at the University is carried out in Medical Center of NAU, which is located in the campus. As well as state and municipal health care of Kyiv.
Health insurance is mandatory for all foreign citizens upon arrival into Ukraine. Medical insurance is issued directly at the Foreign Students Faculty by JSC "Ukrinmedstrakh" insurance agent.
Conditions for learning
Scientific and Technical Library
Scientific and technical library of the National Aviation University is one the biggest HEI libraries located in Kiev, and the biggest among civil aviation libraries of Ukraine.
Library sources are used by about 17 thousands readers and subscribers of between-library subscription. The library is visited by more than 600 thousands users per year, and the amount of literature they obtain exceeds 1.5 million units.
The library is located in separate building, occupies the area 5.4 thousands square meters. There are 5 subscriptions and 9 reader’s halls introduced to user’s usage. The library has the electronic catalogue of literature, which has been incoming since 1994. Electronic base of analytic materials with periodicals and card-table search system.
The Scientific and technical library is the place of meetings of students with scientists, literature and art figures, veterans. Here take place different readers conferences, literature-thematic evenings, verbal magazines, bibliographic reviews. Additional information about the library of NAU may be obtained directly in every structural subdivision.
Institutional Repository (electronic archive) of NAU
Online versions of NAU scientific journals
Partner bank, such as: Brockbusinessbank, Va-Bank, Bank Nadra are locatedin the campus of the University. Ttransactions are carried out directly in these branches or using ATMs.
Students of the National Aviation University live multifaceted, creative lives: they earn professional knowledge and skills, learn to work and communicate, enrich spiritually, promote personal cultural level. The University has a great tradition worked out, which is a complete system of work with students in extracurricular time.
Student Government
The mission of the Student Government of NAU is to provide students with representation, services and advocacy within the university structure. The Student Government provides quality leadership for, and accountability to its constituency by recognizing that strength arises from diversity, engagement, and dialogue.
Union of Student Organizations (USO) - is a voluntary association of student organizations of the National Aviation University.
USO is the student government at the National Aviation University.
The main purpose is to manage and coordinate students’ organizations of the university and to increase the activity of the student movement, initiative and responsibility.
USO Primary concerns:
- coordination of all student organizations of the National Aviation University;
- advance the interaction and mutual help of these organizations;
- improve communication and mutual relations between the administration and student organizations of the National Aviation University;
- elevation of corporate culture at the University;
- preparation and implementation of measures, aimed at resolving socio-economic, cultural, legal and other problems of students at the National Aviation University;
- informing and advising student organizations on issues that are within the competence USO;
- creation of various student groups, scientific societies, art groups, centers, interest clubs;
- promotion of student government at the National Aviation University and improving its authority among other universities in Ukraine and abroad.
USO in its activity supports student organizations of the National Aviation University in the implementation of the following activities:
- informs about the decisions of the university administration, Academic and Administrative Councils etc;
- organizes the work of the executive body of the student government of the university;
- coordinates work planning and long-term development of each organization;
- provides explanatory work and protects student rights;
- supports external affairs with public and student organizations, institutions, cultural and educational centers;
- organizes and conducts conferences, symposia, seminars etc.
Center of Culture and Arts of NAU
The focus of the student's cultural life is the Center of Culture and Arts of NAU.
Since 1980 traditional events of the university such as «Ceremony of consecration of freshmen to students-aviators", student festival "Student Spring" gained great popularity in the university. No event passes without extraordinary humor of student KVN team. University KVN team participates in competitions since 1962.
Sports and Health
The main task of the Center is to promote healthy lifestyle, to develop athletic skills of students and teaching staff of the University, to popularize active leisure.
On the basis of the Center there are various sports activities, sports clubs are operating systematically, the yacht club and the training ground is a favorite week-end destination not only for students and university officials, but also for residents of Kyiv region.
Not every university boasts a yacht club.
Over 10 years ago, athletes-sailboats of the University started sailing regatta "Southern Watch", which last year was included in official calendar of events in sailing among cruising yachts of the Sailing Federation of Ukraine.
- Student Сampus
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- Student Life
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- Union of Students Organisations
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- Students Trade-union
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- Useful tips
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- Calls Schedule
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© National Aviation University
Kiev, 1, Liubomyra Huzara ave.
post@kai.edu.ua | (044)406-79-01