Student of the Aerospace Faculty Oleksandr Pecheryshnyi was awarded a scholarship of the President of Ukraine
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1.04.2024, 16:47

Student of the Aerospace Faculty Oleksandr Pecheryshnyi was awarded a scholarship of the President of Ukraine

Student of the Aerospace Faculty Oleksandr Pecheryshnyi was awarded a scholarship of the President of Ukraine

According to the order of the acting rector of NAU No. 403/st dated 20.03.2024, a student of the Bachelor's degree, specialty 272 "Air Transport" of the training program "Maintenance and Repair of Aircraft and Aircraft Engines" of the group M-405B of the Aerospace Faculty, Oleksandr Pecheryshnyi, was awarded a scholarship of the President of Ukraine.

The decision to award the scholarship of the President of Ukraine was made in accordance with:

The award of the Presidential Scholarship recognizes Oleksandr Pecheryshnyi's outstanding achievements in education and research. It was the result of a careful selection made by the Scholarship Commission and the Academic Council of the National Aviation University in accordance with:

The staff of the Aerospace Faculty and the entire National Aviation University sincerely congratulates Oleksandr Pecheryshnyi on the award of the prestigious scholarship of the President of Ukraine and wishes him further creative achievements, perseverance in gaining knowledge and unquenchable enthusiasm on the way to new heights in education and research.

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