British journalist held a master class for students of the Faculty of International Relations
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2.04.2024, 11:26

British journalist held a master class for students of the Faculty of International Relations

British journalist held a master class for students of the Faculty of International Relations

Felicity Spector, a British journalist for The Telegraph and The Guardian, TV journalist for ITN, and food blogger, held a master class for students of the Faculty of International Relations.

The speaker shared her experience and advice on how to maintain journalistic ethics and objectivity in your work. She noted that it is necessary to avoid subjectivity in your materials and not to express your own opinion about any news, as this would violate the standards of work in the field of journalism.

Felicity Spector advised to work as objectively as possible and to cover the situation from both sides, paying equal attention to them. Such techniques will help to work at the level of high professionalism.

She spoke about important cases in journalism when covering events, the ability to combine work and hobbies, shared her own experience of working in the British media, how to work as a journalist on social media, and revealed the secrets of gaining followers on Instagram.

The British guest admitted that she is currently writing a book about Ukrainian cuisine. A unique collection that will contain not only recipes, but also interviews and historical facts, including about the Russian-Ukrainian war and its relationship with Ukrainian cuisine.

Felicity Spector also answered numerous questions from the students, including her favorite Ukrainian dishes, the role of media in the modern world, and the future of social media.

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