An online meeting of the students of the Faculty of International Relations with a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Great Britain
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1.04.2024, 16:49

An online meeting of the students of the Faculty of International Relations with a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Great Britain

An online meeting of the students of the Faculty of International Relations with a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Great Britain

Mark Lunn, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Great Britain, held an online meeting with students of the Faculty of International Relations. The event was organized and moderated by Olha Verkhovtsova, senior lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation of the Faculty of International Relations.

During the meeting, Mark Lunn gave a lecture "Parliamentary Elections: Past and Present". He familiarized the students of the faculty with the political system of the United Kingdom in general and its individual institutions. In particular, he spoke about the structure of the Parliament, the responsibilities of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, and the electoral process of various authorities.

The speaker spoke about British taxation and budget expenditures on healthcare, education, and defense.  He noted that certain powers and funding issues have been transferred from the national to the local government in order to make decisions closer to local residents, communities and businesses they affect.

During the discussion, Mark Lunn and the students of the FIR discussed diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the United Kingdom and compared the electoral systems of the UK and Ukraine. The students took an active part in the discussion, asked a lot of questions and expressed their views on the political system of both countries.

Thanks to an online meeting with a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Great Britain, the students of the FIR better understood the differences and similarities between the two systems and discovered new aspects of political life in both countries.

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