A guest lecture was held within the framework of the Customs Hub from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
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2.04.2024, 11:28

A guest lecture was held within the framework of the Customs Hub from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

A guest lecture was held within the framework of the Customs Hub from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

On March 25, 2024, a guest lecture was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the National Aviation University as part of the Customs Hub. The event was organized by the Department of Economics and Business Technologies.

The lecture on "Determining the country of origin of goods in the context of Ukraine's European integration" was delivered by Tamara Povazhuk, Head of the Customs Brokers' Courses of the Association of Customs Brokers of Ukraine. The event was opened by Ilya Zibnytskyi, Director of the AMCU, who emphasized the importance of such educational meetings and the relevance of the chosen topic in the context of European integration processes in Ukraine.

The interesting and informative lecture aroused great interest among students majoring in 076 "Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities", the educational programs "Customs and Exchange Business" (bachelor's degree) and "Customs Activities of Business Structures" (master's degree). The event was attended by students of all courses, as well as teachers of the Department of Economics and Business Technologies.

The organization of the guest lecture was the result of close cooperation between the National Aviation University and the Association of Customs Brokers of Ukraine aimed at improving the quality of training of future customs specialists and deepening their professional knowledge.

The Department of Economics and Business Technologies of the FEBA NAU expresses its sincere gratitude to the Association of Customs Brokers of Ukraine and personally to Tamara Povazhuk for the informative lecture, which has definitely become a significant contribution to the professional development of higher education students.

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