Visiting the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity by the staff of the Institute of Continuing Education
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21.02.2024, 11:20

Visiting the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity by the staff of the Institute of Continuing Education

Visiting the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity by the staff of the Institute of Continuing Education

On February 15, students, teachers and staff of the Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education visited the Museum of the Revolution of Dignity.

The events of 2013-2014 left a deep, defining and unforgettable mark on our history. These events were fateful in the history of Ukraine and showed the readiness of Ukrainians to unite in the struggle for their free future. The ideals, hopes, and decisions of the Revolution of Dignity dramatically changed our mentality, and began and continue to shape our new political identity.  But the national liberation process is not over...

During the visit, Victoria, a museum employee, spoke in detail about the significance of the Revolution of Dignity as a mass civil protest, focusing on the events on the capital's Independence Square and the surrounding streets. The government's actions to suppress the protests led to an escalation of the conflict and the deaths of activists known as the Heavenly Hundred.

Today, the museum is a symbol of the eternal courage, will and revival of the Ukrainian people, always ready to welcome guests to honor the memory of those who gave their lives for the dream of a better future.

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