- University
- About University
- Academic Council of the National Aviation University
- Departments
- Department of Human Development and Social Communications
- Academic Services Office
- Accounting
- Department of Marketing and Technical Development
- Procurement
- Structural Subdivisions Department
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- Juridical Department
- Department of International Affairs
- Department of management and administration
- Capital Construction Department
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- Security Service
- Media Communication Center
- Service of The Chief Metrologist of NAU
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- Library
- International Education Centre
- Academics
- Institutes and Faculties
- ICAO Training Institute
- Insitute of International Cooperation and Education
- Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Development
- Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education
- Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies
- Aerospace faculty
- Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications
- Faculty of Аrchitectural Structures and Airfields
- Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technologies
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Faculty of International Relations
- Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications
- Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistic
- Faculty of Law
- Colleges
- Lyceum
- Academy
- Institutes and Faculties
- Study
- Research
- Science in the National Aviation University: history and present
- State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology
- Research projects
- Global satellite navigation systems GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, SBAS, GBAS
- Light multipurpose convertible aircraft (tiltrotor) САТ-68
- Trainer complex “Expert”
- Multipurpose unmanned aerial complex M-6 “SKYLARK”
- Unmanned airial vehicle М-7 «SKY PATROL»
- Aerodynamic complex
- Computer-aided reliability monitoring system of airline fleet
- Computer-aided reliability monitoring system of the Ukrainian fleet
- Robust flight control systems for light unmanned aerial vehiecles and piloted aircrafts
- Science intensive technologies of high presicion stabilized platforms development
- Science intensive technologies for development and modernization of high presicion navigation and control complexes for aviation, marine and space engineering
- The diagnostic technique of the aviation gas turbine engine’s (GTE) passage part
- Mobile informational, measuring and control complex
- Theory, methods and procedures of aircraft-in-flight external outline aerodynamical state diagnostics
- System of composite materials diagnostics using low-speed shock method
- The system of impedance diagnostics of composite materials
- Acoustic-emission diagnostics and monitoring of transport and tribotechnical systems, research of dynamic constructions characteristics
- Indentometr “Micron-gamma”
- Surface quality control with an interference profilometer
- Active system of internal combustion engines parameters’ monitoring
- Sparingly doped eutectic powedery materials and technologies of tribotechnical function coatings with gradient type structure
- Advanced machine of 2070 СМТ-1 type for material’s friction and wearing testing
- Monitoring of petrol actual losses from evaporation
- Sorbent for light fractures collection on objects of oil products supply system
- Nonpolluting complex for recycling used tires
- Complex for contamination level determination with following liquids and fuels rectification process
- Traffic intellectual monitoring system
- Space images processing
- Digital simulator of visual situation for TU-154 aircraft flight trainer
- Advanced digital flight trainer of L-410 aircraft
- Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Catalyst-activator of liquid fuel
- Research Institutes and Subdivision
- Polish-Ukrainian Research Institute (Wroclaw )
- Research Institute of Integrated Telecommunication Technologies
- Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Design and Ergonomics
- Scientific-Research Institute of Computer Technology of Engineering and Architecture
- State Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation
- Educational and Scientific Center " Aerospace Centre"
- Scientific and Production Center for Unmanned Aviation "Virage "
- Ukrainian Scientific-Research and Training Center for Chemmotology and Certification of Lubricants and Industrial Fluids
- Scientific-Research Center for Airport Ecological Problems
- Center for Operational Reliability of Aviation Equipment
- Scientific-Research Center for Information Support of the Operation of Aviation and Gas Transportation Equipment
- Center for Certification of Companies and Services providing Aviation Lubricants
- Research Laboratory for Aerodynamic Research
- " Aircraft Strength and Resource " Research Laboratory
- Research Laboratory for Nanotribology
- Research Laboratory for Technical Diagnostics
- Research Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials and Aerospace Engineering Constructions
- Research Laboratory for Information Security Systems
- Research Laboratory for Integrated Cals-tech "Solid "
- The Post-Graduate Course and Preparation for doctor's degree
- Student research
- Technical committee of standartizations
- Patent-license maintenance
- Quality Assurance
- Projects
- Information packages ECTS
- Quality Council
- The quality management system
- Quality assurance procedures
- Academic integrity
- Monitoring of educational and professional programs
- Evaluating the quality of learning outcomes
- Annual report on the activities of the educational institution
- Rankings
- Our partners
- For students
- Admission
1113Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of accounting and auditing in the present"November 13, 2012
1114Scientific conference "Multimedia Technologies in Education"November 14-15, 2012
1115International scientific-practical conference "Managing high expressway moving objects and training of operators of complex systems"November 15-16, 2012
1118Scientific-practical seminar "Ways of Improving the Criminal Procedure Law to Limit the Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights in Criminal Proceedings"November 18, 2012
1120International Scientific Conference "Finance: Theory and Practice"November 20-21, 2012
1123International scientific conference "Problems of Air Transportation and Aviation Applications in the Fields of Economy"November 23, 2012
1128Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of Global Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic CNS / ATM»November 28-30, 2012
1128National Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Problems of Navigation and Traffic Management"November 28-29, 2012
The quality management system
Even at the dawn of its development, society has realized the benefits of directional restriction, which ensures the unity of methods, and the ease of manufacture, use of products and services. This led to the development of a standardization system.
The realization of the idea of international standardization comprised the first conference of the secretaries of the seven national standardization committees in 1921. This conference developed the organizational principles that led to the creation of the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA) in New York in 1926, which became the prototype of the future ISO (International Standardization Organization). In particular, many of the modern ISO rules and procedures are upgraded procedures of the former ISA. Most of the 67 ISO technical committees that were formed in 1947 existed in the ISA structure.
The realization of the idea of international standardization comprised the first conference of the secretaries of the seven national standardization committees in 1921. This conference developed the organizational principles that led to the creation of the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA) in New York in 1926, which became the prototype of the future ISO (International Standardization Organization). In particular, many of the modern ISO rules and procedures are upgraded procedures of the former ISA. Most of the 67 ISO technical committees that were formed in 1947 existed in the ISA structure. In October 1946, the International Standardization Organization (ISO) was founded on the basis of the existing Coordinating Committee at London, comprising 33 countries. ISO formally entered into force in 1947. The ISO Statute, approved by the UN General Assembly, emphasized the non-governmental status of the organization, and stated that "the organization's goal is to promote world-wide standardization in order to facilitate international trade and mutual assistance, as well as to expand cooperation in the field of intellectual, technical and economic activities.
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Education", the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the Law of Ukraine "On Scientific and Technical Activities", DSTU ISO 9000: 2015, DSTU ISO 9001: 2015 and additional sources of information:
Education - is the basis of the intellectual, spiritual, physical and cultural development of the individual, its successful socialization, economic well-being, the key to the development of a society united by shared values and culture, and the state.
The purpose of education is the comprehensive development of a human as a person and the highest value of society, its talents, intellectual, creative and physical abilities, the formation of values and necessary for the successful self-realization of competences, education of responsible citizens who are capable of conscious social choice and directing their activities for the benefit of others and society, enriching the intellectual, economic, creative, cultural potential of the Ukrainian people on this basis, raising the educational level of citizens for ensuring sustainable development of Ukraine and its European choice.
The autonomy of a higher education institution- is self-determination, independence and responsibility of a higher education institution in decision-making regarding the development of academic freedoms, the organization of the educational process, scientific research, internal management, economic and other activities, independent recruitment and placement within the limits established by this Law.
Free education - education obtained by a person at the expense of state and / or local budgets in accordance with the law.
Bullying - the acts (acts or omissions) of participants in an educational process that involve psychological, physical, economic, sexual abuse, including the use of electronic communications committed against a minor and / or such person in relation to other participants in the educational process as a result of which the victim's mental or physical health may have been harmed.
Typical signs of bulling (baiting) are:
- systematic (repeated) action;
- presence of the parties - the offender (buller), the victim (the victim of the bulling), the observers;
- the actions or omissions of the offender resulting in mental and / or physical harm, humiliation, fear, anxiety, subordination of the victim to the offender's interests, and / or causing the social isolation of the victim.
Harassment - behavior that causes inconvenience or harm, violates the privacy of the individual. Such behavior may consist of direct or indirect verbal or threatening insults, abusive remarks, rude jokes or insinuations, unwanted letters or calls, offensive or humiliating photographs, intimidation, lustful gestures, unnecessary touching, splashing, kissing, pinching, punching, physical assault, or other similar actions. It should be noted that the term "harassment" refers to not only sexual harassment, but also any other harassment, in contrast to widespread (erroneous) thought. In many countries, the law limits the possibility of such pressure, and legal treatment of such actions is different in different cultures.
Procrastination - the tendency to delay the completion of necessary tasks "until later." The person remains active, but his activity is directed to foreign, insignificant, sometimes just meaningless activities.
The educational process - is a system of scientific, methodological and pedagogical measures aimed at the development of the individual through the formation and application of his competences.
Educational activity - the activity of an educational activity entity aimed at organizing, providing and implementing the educational process in formal and / or non-formal education.
Educational service - a complex defined by law, educational program and / or contract of action of the educational activity, which have a fixed cost and aimed at achieving the expected results of education by the acquirer.
The educational program - is the only complex of educational components (subjects of study, disciplines, individual tasks, control measures, etc.) planned and organized to achieve certain learning outcomes.
Educational activity - the activity of higher education institutions conducted to ensure higher, postgraduate education and to meet other educational needs of higher education applicants and other persons.
Educational (professional, scientific or educational-creative) program - a system of educational components at the appropriate level of higher education within the specialty, which defines the requirements for the level of education of persons who can start training under this program, the list of disciplines and logical sequence their study, the number of ECTS credits required to complete this program, and the expected learning outcomes (competences) that the applicant for an appropriate tertiary education degree should have.
Learning Outcomes - knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, views, values, and other personal qualities that can be identified, planned, evaluated, and measured and that a person can demonstrate upon completion of an educational program or individual educational components.
Specialization - a component of the specialty, which is determined by the institution of higher education and provides a specialized specialized educational program for the preparation of applicants for higher and postgraduate education.
Specialty - a component of the field of knowledge, which provides training.
The trainee -is a person who studies at the preparatory department of a higher education institution, or a person who receives additional or separate educational services, including undergraduate programs.
Pedagogical activity - intellectual, creative activity of a pedagogical (scientific-pedagogical) employee or self-employed person in formal and / or non-formal education, aimed at training, education and development of the individual, his or her cultural, civic and / or professional competences.
Teaching activities - activities aimed at the formation of knowledge, other competencies, outlook, development of intellectual and creative abilities, emotional-volitional and / or physical qualities of the recipients of education (lecture, seminar, training, courses, master class, webinar, etc.), and conducted by a pedagogical (scientific-pedagogical) employee, a self-employed person (other than persons for whom such a form of teaching is prohibited by law), or another natural person on the basis of a relevant employment or civil contract.
Electronic Book - An electronic educational publication with a systematic presentation of educational material that is relevant to the educational program, contains digital objects of various formats and provides interactive interaction.
Educational institution - a legal entity of public or private law, the main activity of which is educational activity.
The founder of an educational institution - is a public authority on behalf of the state, the relevant council on behalf of a territorial community (communities), an individual and / or legal entity, by decision and for the property of which an educational institution is founded, or who otherwise acquired the rights and obligations under the law.
Educators - pupils, students, cadets, trainees, interns, graduate students (adjuncts), doctoral students, other persons receiving education in any type and form of education.
Higher education - a set of systematic knowledge, skills and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological and civic qualities, moral and ethical values, other competences acquired in the institution of higher education (scientific institution) in the relevant field of knowledge at a certain level of higher education which in complexity are higher than the level of complete general secondary education.
Higher education institution - a separate type of institution, which is a legal entity of private or public law, operates in accordance with a license for educational activities at certain levels of higher education, conducts scientific, technical, innovative and / or methodological activities, provides for the organization of educational process and the acquisition of higher education, postgraduate education by individuals with regard to their vocations, interests and abilities.
The field of knowledge - is the main subject area of education and science, which includes a group of related specialties for which vocational training is carried out.
European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) - is a credit transfer and accumulation system used in the European Higher Education Area to provide, recognize, validate qualifications and educational components and promote the academic mobility of higher education applicants. The system is based on the determination of the academic load of the higher education applicant required to achieve the specific learning outcomes and is accounted for in ECTS credits.
Higher Education Applicants - persons enrolled in a higher education institution at a particular higher education level for the purpose of obtaining an appropriate degree and qualification.
Individual educational trajectory - a personal way of realizing the personal potential of the educational seeker, which is formed taking into account his abilities, interests, needs, motivations, opportunities and experiences, based on the choice of the educationalist types, forms and pace of education, subjects and educational subjects educational programs, educational disciplines and the level of their complexity, methods and means of teaching. The individual educational trajectory in an educational institution can be implemented through an individual curriculum.
Individual Development Program - a document that provides individualized education for a person with special educational needs, sets out a list of required psychological and pedagogical, correctional needs / services for the development of a child, and is developed by a team of professionals with mandatory involvement of the child's parents to identify specific educational strategies and approaches teaching.
Individual Curriculum - is a document that determines the sequence, form and pace of mastering of the educational components of an educational program for the purpose of realizing its individual educational trajectory and is developed by the educational institution in cooperation with the educational provider if the necessary resources are available for this purpose.
Inclusive education - is a system of state-guaranteed educational services based on the principles of non-discrimination, respect for human diversity, effective involvement and inclusion of all its participants in the educational process.
Learning Outcomes - Knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, views, values, and other personal qualities acquired in the learning, upbringing and development process that can be identified, planned, evaluated and measured and which a person is able to demonstrate upon completion of an educational program or individual education components.
Level of education - the completed stage of education, characterized by the level of complexity of the educational program, the set of competences, which are usually defined by the standard of education and correspond to a certain level of the National Qualifications Framework.
Education system - a set of components of education, levels and levels of education, qualifications, educational programs, standards of education, licensing conditions, educational institutions and other entities, educational participants, educational authorities, and regulatory acts, governing relations between them.
The subject of educational activity - is a natural or legal person (educational institution, enterprise, institution, organization) carrying out educational activity.
Qualification - recognized by the authorized entity and certified by the relevant document standardized set of competencies acquired by the person (learning outcomes).
Competence - is a dynamic combination of knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, attitudes, values, other personal qualities that determines a person's ability to successfully socialize, pursue a professional and / or further educational activity.
Academic integrity - is a set of ethical principles and rules defined by law that should be guided by participants in the educational process in learning, teaching and conducting scientific (creative) activities in order to ensure confidence in learning outcomes and / or scientific (creative) achievements.
Academic mobility - is an opportunity for participants in the educational process to study, teach, intern, or pursue scientific activity in another higher education institution (scientific institution) within or outside Ukraine.
Academic freedom - self-determination and independence of the participants of educational process during carrying out pedagogical, scientific-pedagogical, scientific and / or innovative activity carried out on the principles of freedom of speech and creativity, dissemination of knowledge and information, carrying out of scientific researches and use of their results and implemented taking into account restrictions established by law.
Accreditation of educational program - evaluation of educational program and / or educational activity of higher education institution under this program for:
- compliance with the higher education standard;
- the ability to meet the requirements of the standard and achieve the stated learning outcomes in the program;
- achievement of the declared results in the program of training;
Postgraduate - is a scientist who conducts basic and (or) applied scientific research in the framework of postgraduate training at a higher education institution / scientific institution to obtain a Ph.D.
A scientist - is an individual who conducts basic and (or) applied scientific research and receives scientific and / or scientific and technical (applied) results.
Doctoral student - a scientific or scientific-pedagogical employee who conducts basic and (or) applied scientific researches in the framework of preparation for doctoral studies at a higher educational institution (scientific institution) for obtaining a doctor of science degree.
Research infrastructure - a collection of tools, resources and related services used by the scientific community to conduct research at the highest level, covering the most important objects of scientific equipment and equipment or sets of devices, knowledge-based resources (collections, archives , depositories or databases of scientific information), communications technology based infrastructure (grids, computers, software, and networking), and other structures of a unique nature. Research infrastructures can be locally located, virtual or distributed (organized resource network), public or private. Research infrastructures may be part of international networks.
European Research Area - is a system of programs and policy instruments that integrates the institutional environment of research and development of the Member States of the European Union and its associated members with a view to developing international scientific and technical cooperation, free transfer of knowledge and mobility of researchers.
Young scientist - a scientist under 35 years old who has a university degree not lower than the second (master's) level, or a scientist under 40 years old who has a PhD degree.
Scientific activity - intellectual creative activity aimed at acquiring new knowledge and (or) finding ways to apply them, the main types of which are fundamental and applied scientific research.
Scientific (scientific-technical) production - scientific and (or) scientific-technical (applied) result intended for realization.
Scientific (scientific-technical) work - scientific research and scientific-technical (experimental) development, carried out with the purpose of obtaining scientific, scientific-technical (applied) result. The main types of scientific (scientific-technical) work are research, experimental-design, design-engineering, technological, prospecting and design-research works, production of prototypes or batches of scientific-technical products, as well as other works, related to bringing new scientific and scientific-technical knowledge to the stage of practical use.
Scientific publication - a work (a general scientific work, a monograph, a collection of scientific works, a collection of documents and materials, theses and materials of scientific conferences, a thesis abstract, a preprint, a dictionary, an encyclopedia, a scientific guide or index, a scientific periodical, etc.) of a scientific nature the procedure of scientific review and approval for publication by a scientific (scientific, scientific-technical, technical) council of a scientific institution or higher educational institution, editorial-publishing work, produced by printing I stamping or otherwise, containing information about the results of scientific, technical, educational, scientific-organizational activities, theoretical or experimental research (research publications); Texts of cultural monuments, historical documents or literary texts (archaeographic or source studies) prepared by scientists for publication; scientifically systematic data or materials reflecting the history of science and the current state of scientific knowledge (scientific reference or scientific-informational publication), intended for distribution, meeting the requirements of national standards, other normative documents on issues of publishing, printing and technical implementation.
Scientific unit- is a structural unit of a legal entity whose main task is to conduct scientific, scientific-technical or scientific-organizational activity, in which staff positions of scientific workers make up at least 50 percent. Types of scientific unit are institute, research unit, management, department, complex, center, laboratory, section, sector, bureau, group, branch, research station, field of study, botanical garden, dendropark, observatory, scientific (scientific- technical) library, scientific (scientific and technical) museum.
Scientific worker- scientist who has higher education not lower than the second (master's) level, in accordance with the employment contract, professionally conducts scientific, scientific-technical, scientific-organizational, scientific-pedagogical activity and has the relevant qualification regardless of the presence of a scientific degree or scientific title, confirmed by the results of certification in cases specified by law.
Scientific (scientific-technical) project- is a set of measures related to ensuring the implementation and direct carrying out of scientific research and (or) scientific and technical development in order to achieve a specific scientific or scientific-technical (applied) result.
Scientific result - new scientific knowledge obtained in the process of fundamental or applied scientific research and recorded on information carriers. The scientific result may be in the form of a report, a published scientific article, a scientific report, a scientific report on a research work, a monographic research, a scientific discovery, a draft regulatory act, a normative document or scientific and methodological documents, the preparation of which requires carrying out relevant scientific research or contains a scientific component, etc.
Scientific-organizational activity - activity aimed at methodical, organizational support and coordination of scientific, scientific-technical and scientific-pedagogical activity.
Scientific-pedagogical activity - pedagogical activity in universities, academies, institutes and institutions of postgraduate education related to scientific and (or) scientific-technical activity.
Scientific-pedagogical worker - scientist who has higher education not lower than the second (master's) level, in accordance with the employment contract (contract) at the university, academy, institute professionally conducts pedagogical and scientific or scientific-pedagogical activity and has appropriate qualification regardless of the presence of scientific degree or academic title, confirmed by the results of certification in cases specified by law.
Scientific-technical activity - scientific activity aimed at obtaining and using new knowledge for solving technological, engineering, economic, social and humanitarian problems, the main types of which are applied scientific research and scientific-technical (experimental) development.
Scientific-technical (applied) result - new or substantially improved materials, products, processes, devices, technologies, systems, new or substantially improved services, put into operation new constructive, obtained during the conduct of applied scientific research, scientific and technical (experimental) developments whether technological solutions, completed tests, developments that are implemented or can be put into public practice. The scientific-technical (applied) result can be in the form of a sketch project, experimental sample or its operating model, design or technological documentation for scientific-technical production, research sample, draft regulatory act, normative document or scientific-methodical documents etc.
Basic scientific research - theoretical and experimental scientific research aimed at gaining new knowledge about the patterns of organization and development of nature, society, man, their relationships. The result of fundamental scientific research is hypotheses, theories, new methods of cognition, the discovery of the laws of nature, previously unknown phenomena and properties of matter, the identification of patterns of development of society, etc., which are not focused on direct practical use in the field of economics.
Qualification - is the official result of an assessment and recognition that is obtained when an authorized institution has determined that a person has attained competencies (learning outcomes) in accordance with higher education standards, as evidenced by the relevant higher education document.
Competence - a dynamic combination of knowledge, skills and practical skills, ways of thinking, professional, ideological and civic qualities, moral and ethical values, which determines the ability of a person to successfully pursue professional and further educational activities and is the result of education at a certain level of higher education.
The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation Credit (hereinafter referred to as ECTS Credit) is the unit of measurement of the academic load of a higher education applicant required to achieve the defined (expected) learning outcomes. The volume of one ECTS loan is 30 hours. The load of one academic year of full-time education is usually 60 ECTS credits.
Licensing - is a procedure for recognizing the ability of a legal entity to pursue an educational activity in a particular specialty at a certain level of higher education in accordance with the standards of educational activity.
Stakeholder- a person or organization that can influence a decision or activity that is influenced or perceived to be affected by a decision or activity.
Stakeholders - any stakeholder group that can influence or who may be interested in pursuing a higher education institution of its purpose.
The stakeholders of a higher education institution include:
External stakeholders:
- customer - a person or organization that can receive or received products or a service intended for that person or organization or in need of that person or organization (employers (large industrial enterprises; small and medium-sized enterprises; social organizations) interested competent specialists; schoolchildren, entrants and their parents who are at the stage of selection of HEA; educational institutions of different types and types; various public organizations and associations that are not directly related to the education system (flight political parties, ethnic and other social groups, creative unions, scientific institutions, etc.), but who are interested in social partnership.
- enterprises (organizations) involved in the creation of appropriate conditions for the provision of educational and scientific services (supply of equipment, life support resources, construction services, etc.);
- external partners - schools, technical colleges, other elementary and secondary vocational education institutions (which include within the structure of HSE), as well as professional communities: scientific and pedagogical staff of other HEA and others, - professional communities.
- the state, which regulates the activities of universities and the basic order for the training of higher education specialists through the distribution of the state order for training;
- regional state authorities and local self-government organizations;
- employers (large industrial enterprises; small and medium-sized enterprises; organizations of social sphere) who are interested in competent specialists;
- schoolchildren, entrants and their parents who are at the stage of university selection;
- educational institutions of different kinds and types located in the region of the university's location;
- various non-governmental organizations and associations that are not directly related to the education system (political parties, ethnic and other social groups, creative unions, scientific institutions, etc.), but which are interested in social partnership.
Internal stakeholders:
- different categories of persons receiving education (bachelor's, master's, free students, graduate students and doctoral students) and their parents;
- scientific-pedagogical staff, teaching support and administrative-managerial staff.
Audit - A systematic, independent and documented process of obtaining objective evidence and objectively evaluating it to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are met
An organization's environment - is a set of internal and external factors that can influence an organization's approach to developing and achieving its goals.
The introduction of a quality management system - is the process (consequence of a process) of developing, documenting, putting in place, maintaining and constantly improving the quality management system.
Quality of higher education - compliance of learning outcomes with the requirements set by law, relevant higher education standards and / or contract for the provision of educational services.
Improvement - is an action to increase efficiency.
Continuous improvement - is a repeated action to increase efficiency.
Management - coordinated actions to guide and control the organization's activities.
Quality planning - is an integral part of quality management, focused on setting quality goals and identifying operational processes and appropriate resources needed to achieve quality goals.
Quality Assurance - is a storehouse of quality management that focuses on ensuring that quality requirements are met.
Quality control - is an integral part of quality management focused on meeting quality requirements.
Quality improvement - is an integral part of quality management, focused on increasing the ability to meet quality requirements.
A process - is a collection of interrelated or collaborative work that uses inputs to produce the intended result.
Designing - is a unique process (the consequence of a process) that consists of a set of coordinated and controlled actions, with start and end dates, performed to achieve a specific goal that has limitations in terms of time, cost and resources.
Acquisition of competence - the process (consequence of process) of achievement of competence.
Nonconformity - is non-compliance.
Regulatory document - a document that sets out the rules, general principles or characteristics of different activities or their results.
Method; procedure - an established way of performing a work or process.
A system - is a collection of interrelated or interacting elements of an organization to formulate policies, set goals and processes to achieve those goals.
Quality policy - is a policy, connected with quality. (Quality policy is usually an integral part of an organization's overall policy, can be aligned with the vision and mission of the organization, and serves as a structural basis for setting quality goals. The quality management principles outlined in ISO 9000: 2015 can serve as a foundation to set quality policy).
Quality level - is a category assigned to different facility requirements that have the same functional application.
Quality of education - compliance of learning outcomes with the requirements of the legislation, the relevant education standard and / or the agreement on the provision of educational services.
Quality of educational activity - the level of organization, provision and implementation of the educational process that ensures the acquisition of quality education by persons and meets the requirements established by law and / or contract for the provision of educational services.
Requirement - Formulated needs or expectations, common or mandatory.
The quality requirement - is a requirement, connected with quality.
The goal - is the result that must be achieved.
Quality goal - is a goal, connected with quality. The organization must set quality goals for the relevant units, levels and processes required for the quality management system.
Quality goals are required:
- agreed with the quality policy;
- were measurable;
- take into account applicable requirements;
- were relevant in terms of conformity of products and services and improvement of customer satisfaction;
- were covered by monitoring;
- were made known;
- have been updated as appropriate.
The organization must keep up-to-date documented information on quality objectives.
When planning how to achieve its quality goals, an organization should identify:
- what to do;
- what resources will be needed;
- who will be responsible;
- when it is completed;
- how the results will be evaluated.
If the organization determines the need for changes to the quality management system, the changes need to be implemented as planned, then the organization should consider:
- the purpose of the changes and their possible consequences;
- integrity of the quality management system;
- availability of resources;
- the allocation or redeployment of duties and powers.
The success of the organization - is to achieve the goals of the organization.
Effectiveness - is the degree of realization of the planned activity and achievement of the planned results.
Efficiency - is the ratio between the result achieved and the resources used.
Risk - is the impact of uncertainty. (Impact is deviation from what is expected. It can be positive and / or negative, and can help to realize opportunities and eliminate threats, or result in opportunities and threats. Aims may have different aspects and categories and may apply to different Risk is usually defined in terms of the sources of risk of potential events, the consequences of those events, and their likelihood.
Risk management - coordinated actions to manage an organization with risk.
Risk source - an element that alone or in combination with others can lead to risk.
An event - is the occurrence or change of a number of certain circumstances. (An event may have one or more origins and may have multiple causes and multiple consequences. An event may also be that something unforeseen or something unforeseen is happening. The event may be a source of risk.
Consequence - is the result of an event that affects goals. (The impact may be definite or uncertain and may have a positive or negative impact on the goals. ISO 31000: 2018 (E). The effects can be expressed qualitatively or quantitatively. Any effects can be exacerbated by the effect of the cascade and cumulative effects.)
Probability, opportunity - the chance that something can happen. (In risk management terminology (3.2), the term "probability" or "opportunity" means the chance that something may happen, whether established, measured or determined objectively or subjectively, qualitatively or quantitatively, and whether it is described by general concepts or mathematically (such as probability or frequency over a given period of time).
Risk control - is a measure that restrains and / or modifies (changes) risk. (Risk control may include any process, policy, technique, practice or other condition and / or action that restrains and / or modifies (alters) risk (but is not limited to the above, Risk control may not always lead to the desired or expected effect ).
Job description - a document that defines the qualification requirements, responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the employee assigned to the position.
Procedure (document) - is an established way of carrying out an activity or process.
Periodic review of a document-is a review of a regulatory document in order to determine its adequacy.
Document revision - making all necessary changes to the content and design of the regulatory document. The results of the review are submitted by the publication of the bulletin or the publication of a new version of the regulatory document.
Subdivision Regulations - a document that defines the status of the subdivision, its scope, tasks and functions of the subdivision, the procedure for appointing a subdivision head and his responsibility and authority.
- Projects
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- Information packages ECTS
- +
- General information
- +
- General description
- Name and address
- Academic calendar
- Administration
- Admission requirements
- Awarding of ECTS credits
- Information on advisory assistance
- Documents providing organization of educational process
- Information for students
- Information on educational programs
- Information on educational programs_2019
- Educational Professional Programs by Faculties (Institutes)
- Копія Копія Історія системи менеджменту якості
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- Копія Копія Політика в сфері якості НАУ
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- Копія Копія Сертифікати в сфері якості
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- Копія Копія Нормативна документація
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- Копія Копія Документація системи менеджменту якості університету
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- Копія Копія Навчання персоналу
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- Копія Копія Підсумки та досягнення
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- Копія Копія Дошка об’яв
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- Копія Копія Зворотній зв'язок
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- Quality Council
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- The quality management system
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- Quality assurance procedures
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- Academic integrity
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- Monitoring of educational and professional programs
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- Evaluating the quality of learning outcomes
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- Annual report on the activities of the educational institution
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- Rankings
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- Our partners
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© National Aviation University
Kiev, 1, Liubomyra Huzara ave.
post@kai.edu.ua | (044)406-79-01