- University
- About University
- Academic Council of the National Aviation University
- Departments
- Department of Human Development and Social Communications
- Academic Services Office
- Accounting
- Department of Marketing and Technical Development
- Procurement
- Structural Subdivisions Department
- Human Resources Department
- Juridical Department
- Department of International Affairs
- Department of management and administration
- Capital Construction Department
- Autocentre
- Security Service
- Media Communication Center
- Service of The Chief Metrologist of NAU
- Medical Care
- Dining
- Publishing
- Trade Union
- Library
- International Education Centre
- Academics
- Institutes and Faculties
- ICAO Training Institute
- Insitute of International Cooperation and Education
- Educational and Scientific Institute of Education Development
- Educational and Research Institute of Continuing Education
- Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies
- Aerospace faculty
- Faculty of Air Navigation, Electronics and Telecommunications
- Faculty of Аrchitectural Structures and Airfields
- Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technologies
- Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
- Faculty of International Relations
- Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications
- Faculty of Transport, Management and Logistic
- Faculty of Law
- Colleges
- Lyceum
- Academy
- Institutes and Faculties
- Study
- Research
- Science in the National Aviation University: history and present
- State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology
- Research projects
- Global satellite navigation systems GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, SBAS, GBAS
- Light multipurpose convertible aircraft (tiltrotor) САТ-68
- Trainer complex “Expert”
- Multipurpose unmanned aerial complex M-6 “SKYLARK”
- Unmanned airial vehicle М-7 «SKY PATROL»
- Aerodynamic complex
- Computer-aided reliability monitoring system of airline fleet
- Computer-aided reliability monitoring system of the Ukrainian fleet
- Robust flight control systems for light unmanned aerial vehiecles and piloted aircrafts
- Science intensive technologies of high presicion stabilized platforms development
- Science intensive technologies for development and modernization of high presicion navigation and control complexes for aviation, marine and space engineering
- The diagnostic technique of the aviation gas turbine engine’s (GTE) passage part
- Mobile informational, measuring and control complex
- Theory, methods and procedures of aircraft-in-flight external outline aerodynamical state diagnostics
- System of composite materials diagnostics using low-speed shock method
- The system of impedance diagnostics of composite materials
- Acoustic-emission diagnostics and monitoring of transport and tribotechnical systems, research of dynamic constructions characteristics
- Indentometr “Micron-gamma”
- Surface quality control with an interference profilometer
- Active system of internal combustion engines parameters’ monitoring
- Sparingly doped eutectic powedery materials and technologies of tribotechnical function coatings with gradient type structure
- Advanced machine of 2070 СМТ-1 type for material’s friction and wearing testing
- Monitoring of petrol actual losses from evaporation
- Sorbent for light fractures collection on objects of oil products supply system
- Nonpolluting complex for recycling used tires
- Complex for contamination level determination with following liquids and fuels rectification process
- Traffic intellectual monitoring system
- Space images processing
- Digital simulator of visual situation for TU-154 aircraft flight trainer
- Advanced digital flight trainer of L-410 aircraft
- Unmanned aerial vehicles
- Catalyst-activator of liquid fuel
- Research Institutes and Subdivision
- Polish-Ukrainian Research Institute (Wroclaw )
- Research Institute of Integrated Telecommunication Technologies
- Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Design and Ergonomics
- Scientific-Research Institute of Computer Technology of Engineering and Architecture
- State Scientific-Research Institute of Aviation
- Educational and Scientific Center " Aerospace Centre"
- Scientific and Production Center for Unmanned Aviation "Virage "
- Ukrainian Scientific-Research and Training Center for Chemmotology and Certification of Lubricants and Industrial Fluids
- Scientific-Research Center for Airport Ecological Problems
- Center for Operational Reliability of Aviation Equipment
- Scientific-Research Center for Information Support of the Operation of Aviation and Gas Transportation Equipment
- Center for Certification of Companies and Services providing Aviation Lubricants
- Research Laboratory for Aerodynamic Research
- " Aircraft Strength and Resource " Research Laboratory
- Research Laboratory for Nanotribology
- Research Laboratory for Technical Diagnostics
- Research Laboratory for Mechanics of Materials and Aerospace Engineering Constructions
- Research Laboratory for Information Security Systems
- Research Laboratory for Integrated Cals-tech "Solid "
- The Post-Graduate Course and Preparation for doctor's degree
- Student research
- Technical committee of standartizations
- Patent-license maintenance
- Quality Assurance
- Projects
- Information packages ECTS
- Quality Council
- The quality management system
- Quality assurance procedures
- Academic integrity
- Monitoring of educational and professional programs
- Evaluating the quality of learning outcomes
- Annual report on the activities of the educational institution
- Rankings
- Our partners
- For students
- Admission
NAU students in Lodz Technical University
5.11.2012, 10:42

All albums
- 2012
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- september
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- NAU students in Lodz Technical University
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- For the first time in NAU: cycle training program «JAR-FCL 3"
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- Computer science students attended Conference IDCEE-2012
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- Roundtable "Psychological Aspects of Human Factors in Aviation"
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- Concert dedicated to the Student Day and 10 year anniversary of show Ballet Just NAU
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- Leonid Kuchma at NAU
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- "Student Spring 2012" Gala
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- Study at NAU
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- NAU Outdoors
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- Arts in NAU
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- Innovative research and development perspective of NAU
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