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08/11/2024Welcome the State University "Kyiv Aviation Institute"!
18/06/2024Joint efforts made the territory of the NAU Sports Complex cleaner
18/06/2024Advanced training of Georgian aviation specialists at the National Aviation University
18/06/2024Successful defense of PhD thesis by Oleksandr Yakobchuk
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18/06/2024Graduates of the Law Faculty continue to share their life experience with students
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17/06/2024Open Day at the National Aviation University
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1113Ukrainian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of accounting and auditing in the present"November 13, 2012
1114Scientific conference "Multimedia Technologies in Education"November 14-15, 2012
1115International scientific-practical conference "Managing high expressway moving objects and training of operators of complex systems"November 15-16, 2012
1118Scientific-practical seminar "Ways of Improving the Criminal Procedure Law to Limit the Constitutional Rights and Civil Rights in Criminal Proceedings"November 18, 2012
1120International Scientific Conference "Finance: Theory and Practice"November 20-21, 2012
1123International scientific conference "Problems of Air Transportation and Aviation Applications in the Fields of Economy"November 23, 2012
1128Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of Global Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic CNS / ATM»November 28-30, 2012
1128National Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Problems of Navigation and Traffic Management"November 28-29, 2012
Successful defense of PhD thesis by Oleksandr Yakobchuk

Oleksandr Yakobchuk, senior lecturer at the Department of Aircraft Design of the Aerospace Faculty, successfully defended his PhD thesis on "Increasing the wear resistance of friction pairs of local contacts in unstable operating conditions by selecting lubricants with specified tribotechnical properties". Oksana Mikosianchyk, doctor of technical sciences, professor, was the scientific supervisor of the thesis.
The dissertation is devoted to the topical issue of import substitution of lubricants used in domestic aircraft. It is important to note that the results of the research have been successfully integrated into the educational process within the subjects "Fundamentals of Aviation Equipment Manufacturing Technologies" and "Modern Technological Processes in the Production of Aircraft and Their Equipment".
We congratulate Oleksandr Yakobchuk and his supervisor Oksana Mikosianchyk on their outstanding achievement! We wish them further success in their scientific work and new achievements for the benefit of the Ukrainian aviation industry.

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